week 7~

okay...today we had 1st presentation for the group project.....the presentation is on the learning strategy and activities that we planned to use for our website....our highly dedicated project manager ---> kak puteri represents our group and other group members gave her support from the back of the class...hehehe 

comment from Dr. J.....activity is ok...just if possible...we create a scenario for the problem....instead using a student as the character, maybe we can change to a teacher because it will be more authentic...he suggested a scenario where the head master ask the media teacher to create a website but they have no budget...

we think it is a very good idea....we will take note on that Dr.!

week 6~

today class is more on discussion with group members....Dr. J gave us time to discuss in group on the learning theory, strategy and activity we plan to use for the web....it quite hard for us to make decision to choose the most appropriate learning theory and strategy that suits our title on digital graphic: bitmap vs vector.....

in addition 2 of 4 of my group members which is aimi & of course me myself don't have any educational background...so we have to make extra effort to understand first what is learning theory is all about...besides, other group members; kak intan & kak puteri help us to understand it...huhu

and my finding from wikipedia....

A learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Learning theories have two chief values according to Hill (2002). One is in providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is in suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions.
There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorismcognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts.

after having some discussion.....we totally agree to choose problem based learning for our learning strategy....yeay!...it is not because affected by Dr. J example...but we think pbl is really suits to deliver our content to the users....(>_<)v

The Information Design approach to Web development

here is an article about information design that I found on Internet....wanna share it with u guys....=)
Published on May 21, 2003
Aside from people, information is the single most valuable asset for business. At every level, in every department, for every company, information is critical. The better the information, the more successful the company and the people within it can be. Improving products and services, understanding markets, improving internal process and communication—information is the catalyst that allows people to see the best course and to make substantive change, as well as often being the deliverable itself.
More than its value to business, information is also the principle component to human knowledge and progress. By experiencing information—through any of the available senses—people are able to build knowledge. Particularly when the information is relevant and good, people are able to make better decisions, to be more effective, to be happier and to increase their well-being.
That is why information is so critical to business. The better the information, the better the business. The better the information, the better the people. The better the business and people, the more profitable the business can be.
Information Design is dedicated to making information as effective as possible. Effective is a carefully chosen word here. In order to be as effective as possible, information must carefully balance a variety of factors, including, but not limited to clarity, relevance, timeliness, amplitude, volume, and differentiation.
Different practitioners and groups from disciplines like graphic design, information architecture, and writing have explicitly or implicitly laid claim to the term Information Design, or to being the best discipline for producing more effective information. The reality is that Information Design is a careful balance of those disciplines and not the domain of any one.
As information is the most critical non-human contributor to achieving business goals, and is the key component to building human knowledge and increased success, the discipline dedicated to making information as effective as possible is naturally the meta-discipline for business.
And that is Information Design.
Information Design and Web development
Information Design is geared toward information solutions in general—as opposed to Web solutions in particular. That broader understanding of the dynamic inter-relationship of the myriad contexts, strategies and tactics pertaining to the creation of successful information is invaluable. It is also particularly relevant in providing excellent direction for Web development. Information Design is critical to better Web development in the following four ways:
1. Information Design clarifies goals and objectives
Clients often know what they want but rarely understand what they need. Requests for functionality ranging from live chat to online stores to sophisticated content management functionality may not help the client achieve their business goals. Web design professionals are obligated to focus on the business goals of their clients and make recommendations that are in the client's best interests.
Information Design grounds that consultation and planning process. By approaching the Web project as an information solution, among the galaxy of information solutions and organizational realities that face clients, developers are equipped to design a Web site or application that best contributes to their business success.
2. Information Design provides a broader context
Even for modest static sites, good Web design is relatively involved and complicated. In any effort to successfully navigate the development process, it is simple to lose sight of the relationship between the project itself and the broader context, including:
  • The original business goals that led to the site being created or modified
  • The client’s unique position now, the position they want to be in later, the other tactics that they have or are planning to initiate, and how all of those factors juxtapose with the Web tactic itself
  • Those same factors in the client’s competition
  • The unique position of the client’s current and potential customers, as well as employees, communities and key stakeholders, and how those groups juxtapose with the Web tactic itself
These are largely strategic concerns that need to be factored in at the beginning of a Web development project, then monitored and considered throughout the project lifecycle. However, those considerations are not the sole domain of the project leaders or strategists. Information Design requires that all team members have an acute awareness of the broader contextual concerns that resulted in this tactic being selected in the first place, and that awareness must be balanced and addressed in the final deliverable. Awareness and acknowledgement of these considerations—even by the most tactical and production-oriented of the team members—provides immeasurable added value and the highest likelihood that the final deliverable will be as effective as possible.
3. Information Design balances the various specialties that participate in Web development
Inevitably, most Web designers or Web development companies have their own particular specialties. Whether in the structure and content, the interface design, the application development—or any sub-specialty therein—it is apparent from the final product that there is a bias toward the comfort level or organizational strengths of the producers.
Information Design as a discipline insists that the focus remain on making the information—with information in this case being the final Web site—as effective as possible. Applying this to the design itself can manifest in a few different ways and is best if all occur together:
  • By assigning someone not on the core production team as the Information Designer or Director (or really any title you prefer) to ensure the final deliverable is appropriately balanced
  • By providing all team members with a short list of essential elements that would contribute to successful Information Design for this unique project, in order to guide their thinking and production
  • By insisting on collaboration and cross-pollination of team members from different disciplines, to give them a better sense of the why, how and what each other is doing
By proactively balancing the different components and specialties, you will best be able to achieve the goals and objectives of the project, with the final product thus proving as effective as possible.
4. Information Design focuses on the dynamic nature of strong Web development
The most effective Web development is that which stakes out the strongest position between a myriad of considerations, including:
  • The articulated goals of the project
  • The client’s internal situation
  • The client’s market situation
  • The target audiences
  • The project budget
  • The available technologies
  • The composition and capability of the development team
During the development process, it is easy to lose sight of one or many of these key components, and the project suffers for being too close to some of the considerations and too far from others.
As such, a strong process naturally incorporates a healthy and regular mechanism for balancing the different considerations. Information Design requires that the core considerations that guide the project be far forwardthroughout the project lifecycle, ideally incorporating research and actual testing where appropriate. This will ensure that the final deliverable achieves the proper balance to maximize effectiveness and business success.

Think on an Information Design level, not a Web development level

Everyone has their unique background and area of specialty. Within each of the core disciplines is a wealth of established practices and processes that contribute to great work. Focusing on doing your part on a strong Web development team can certainly take the team—and the product—a long way.
But even if you are doing great work, are you best achieving the business goals of your clients? Are you considering the inter-relationship between this Web development project and their traditional methods for sales and marketing, or their traditional communication channels, or their traditional workflow patterns? Do you appreciate the dynamic relationship that this has to that and inform all of your production decisions from that perspective? Are you cognizant that, rather than building a Web site, you are building an information solution?
Information Design positions you to answer all of those questions in the affirmative. It positions you to do work that is not only “great” from an objective perspective as evaluated by your peers, but from the more important subjective perspective of your clients and the health of their business. The work that you do is far more broad and important than you might realize. You just need to stand back, look at it from the proper perspective and take advantage of it.

week 5~

Today, we don't have class because

 Dr. J participate with the APA Audit...

oh yeah! no!..

week 4~

welcome to week 4 of web-based class!..ehehe...

well..i'm sure all of u experienced some problems when using website...sometimes when we excitedly & happily browsing around the website suddenly there technical error occur...or maybe the image load so0o0o slow...or u need to install plug in to view something...or might be also your internet connection is slow like a snail...hikhik in this class today we discussed about this topics and share our experience having problem while browsing the website....

after that......we had a presentation on the case study Dr. J asked us to do....not every student need to present...only the chosen one selected by Dr. J need to present....LUCKILY....i'm not the chosen one!...fuhhh what a relief~~~...hikhik both interaction design and information design are important in web design....most people tend to visit the website which are easy to navigate, the interesting layout in terms of colour selection, typeface, size of font, and so on...a web which have animation, image or video will attract users to visit it....BUT....a beautiful website without a 'beautiful' content don't last forever....usually users tend to visit certain website to get information from it...if the website is just beautiful without includes beneficial informations...users might visit the website once and not interested to visit it again because it 'useless'....huhu

then...Dr. J gave us some lecture on web design fundamental....what is the purpose of web design?..what is the most to observe when designing a website?..the main purpose of designing a website is to inform or persuade users by delivering and presenting the content in a way that benefits the user....it is important to observe the users' need & the information requirements of the content you want to deliver...Therefore, you have to plan a site that:

  • Well structured
  • Easy to navigate
  • Quick download time

Three parts of web design:

  • Information Design

  • Interaction Design

  • Interface Design (Visual or Presentation Design)

week 3~

this week class, we cover on three minor topics of website/multimedia development...
  • multimedia development team
  • multimedia development process
  • instructional model
before we develop a website, we should know some basic concepts such as skill requirement, the steps & process to develop website, who involve and so on...usually, the website development project involves several people working together especially for website that contain more than text and graphics...this is because it need more skills to develop it...therefore, before a website is develop, a team which consists of variety skills of people required should be created. 

in developing a website, there are some stages and process involves....the stages of the process such as planning & costing (idea/objectives, skill required, time & cost estimation), designing, producing, testing as well as delivering...but usually the web development process is based on systematic approach as suggested instructional design model...this model is used as a guide to the developer in developing the web..so that, they will stay on path and have a well structured working style...or in more proper sentence ----> Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and learning....

there are some examples of instructional design model: 
  • ADDIE Model
  • ASSURE Model
  • Dick & Carey Model
  • Hannafin & Peck Model
  • Waterfall Model
  • Rapid Prototyping Model
  • etc.....
the most popular and usually people used is the ADDIE Model.....it depends on the developer to choose which ID model to use suitable with their objectives and other criteria....

ADDIE Model 

Dick & Carey Model

Hannafin & Peck Model

Phase 1: Planning/Analysis

* needs/requirements ?
*“brainstorming”: who, what, why, where, when & how?
Audience analysis: Who is it for?
Needs analysis: Why develop it?
Content analysis: What will it cover?
Resource analysis: How and how much?
Estimate: When will it get done?
Where: platform, marketing and distribution?

Phase 2: Design

What’s the difference between analysis and design?
Storyboards: design content as sequence of scenes or screens.
Scripts: design content in textual form.
Flowcharts: show navigational structure.
Design in detail before programming/authoring!!

Phase 3: Development

Who will be involved in this project and what responsibilities will each person have?
Authoring or programming of the project.
Phase 4: Implementation

How is multimedia development different from systems programming?
Why is prototyping a good idea?
Programming uses authoring tools
Media development involves special tools for graphics, sound, video, etc.
User testing, user observations and focus groups

Phase 5: Testing & Evaluation

* How will you know if the instructional objectives have been achieved?
What method will you use for collecting feedback from the users of the software regarding the interface, 
   sequencing of information, and its content?
Formative & Summative.

~Lady Boss~

presents you my group members for web project 

hehehehehehe (>_<)v