Nowadays a great number of various web hosting companies offer you to subscribe to their services each having different features. Your task is to decide what type of service you need for your work and what kind of hosting fits your requirements best. The main choice lies between free and paid web hosting services and implies certain aspects you need to take into account for this choice to be right. In case you are interested in free host let us consider the key aspects you should be aware of before making your choice.
1. Advertisements.
If you are using free web host you need to accept that your website will include constantly popping up advertising windows and banners regardless of your wish. These adverts is the way free web hosting companies cover their expenses on providing you with free services, so you have nothing to do with it. Of course this annoys you and your website visitors much but be careful with free hosts that don’t maintain adverts - sooner or later they will just go bankrupt.
2. Amount of web space
Each company offers different amount of web space you are allowed to use for storing your data on the server. So before starting cooperation with one of the free web hosting providers find out how much space you are granted with and if there is any possibility to expand it. Don’t forget that the quantity of web space your website will take depends on the files you want to store there (images, videos, audio files etc).
3. File restrictions
Free web hosts have some limitations concerning types and sizes of files you can attach to your website. For example, you are not always allowed to store some programs within your website. So if it is crucial for you, better check at once what exact types of files you can upload to the server in order to avoid further misunderstandings and obstacles.
4. Traffic restrictions
As a rule free hosting providers claim about limitations concerning traffic your website may use. The amount of used traffic depends both on the number of visitors who come to your website and your web page design. When the amount of used traffic comes to the limit your web presence is disabled by the provider of hosting services you use.
5. FTP Access
The FTP access option allows you to upload files to the server with the help of e-mail or web browser. So if you don’t find the necessary tools in the page builder of your hosting provider, FTP will appear important for you.
6. Company reputation
While choosing between free web hosting providers have a time to pay attention to their reputation as it may influence your decision at once. In order to find out whether the company is reliable or not you may read users’ feedbacks, although mind that such method is not entirely trustworthy. After all, you can always try the service yourself as it is free and won’t take you much time to see whether the thing is worth the effort.
7.Scripts Supported
If you're thinking of starting a basic HTML content site, this may not mean so much to you, but if you're interested in starting a site that require a script such as PHP, ASP, make sure to check out all scripting options available.
8.Uptime Guarantee
You'll offen see 99% or 98% uptime guranteed for your websites. Don't be fooled into thinking that 98% or something even lower is good enough. 1% makes the world of a difference in terms of hours lost for connection and don't forget. If a visitor loses a connection to your website, you may lose the vistor forever.
So these are the key points you should take into account while choosing free web hosting service in order for your choice to be the most successful.